2013年10月21日 星期一

Tokyo: first step

    I have been Hokkaido, Okinawa, Kyoto, Osaka and most part of Europe, but I have not been Tokyo yet. It does not mean Tokyo is not attractive for me. After watching my co-worker's Tokyo picture, I decide to go to this place. 
    I know 5 days in Tokyo is not long enough to visit a such big city, but it's all I have. 

一次就過的墨西哥簽證 2019

沒想到在墨西哥轉機也要辦簽證 !以前只知道在美國還有大陸轉機需要辦簽證,壓根也沒想到在墨西哥轉機也要 !!!在出發前的快兩個月,某日滑文時,在討論的文章中看到墨西哥轉機簽證。本來以為自己眼花,又看到網路上對於申辦墨西哥簽證難度是一片哀嚎。當下真的有點晴天霹靂。為了確定正確...